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Please let your Athletic Booster Reps know if you have any questions:
Joe Wolf 614-560-5666
Tim Butts 614-778-0656
Andy Reed 614-325-3116
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When: March 8th 2023, 9:00AM—12:00PM
Who: Grades: 6—8
Where: High School gym 2
Coaches: Gahanna High school baseball players lead the training, oversight by GLHS Coaches
What: This annual prospect clinic is a 4 hour day of instruction provided by the Coaching staff and players at Gahanna Lincoln High School. The clinic will be held at Lincoln High School in the high school, gym 2 and cover both offense and defense along with a Q & A session at the end for both players and parents regarding the transition to playing high school baseball. All players will receive a clinic T-shirt.
Camp cost = $50 + $2 online card processing fee
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